Fall 2024 Tutoring

You can now schedule an appointment for tutoring! If you haven't yet, please create your account here: ltu.mywconline.com.
Drop-in Tutoring is welcome if a tutor is available; view the Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule. You must be logged into your 利记sbo email to access this link. 

Tutoring is available Monday-Friday in the SSC, and Saturday and Sunday in the Library.

Please schedule your in person appointment here:
Tutor Appointment

 Frequently Asked Questions:  

Do I have to schedule an appointment? 
If you meet with a tutor, you will need to create an appointment. However, you can make an appointment on the spot if a tutor is available.

I've created an account for testing. Do I need to make another one?
No. You only need to make one account for both testing and tutoring services. 

How do I schedule an appointment?
Click the link above. If you've never created an account with WCOnline, you will need to create one with your 利记sbo email. Once you log in, you can select your main subject area. From there, choose your preferred day, time, select your tutor (if you have a specific one you'd like to meet with, otherwise leave this set as "any available") then select your focus (specific course.) This will show you exact matches, or close matches. Then click to reserve.

Do you have weekend tutoring?
Yes! This semester we do have limited tutoring available for both late nights and weekends. These appointments will be held in the library. Select the schedule that says "Night & Weekend Tutoring in the Library" to see your options.

Can I schedule weekly appointments?
Yes! This new system allows you to schedule a weekly or biweekly appointment with a specific tutor if you'd like to meet with them frequently.

What if I need to cancel?
We understand that things come up. If you need to cancel your appointment, please make sure to log back in and cancel the appointment. This way the tutors are able to assist others.

I'm having a hard time with finding close matches. Do you have a calendar I can look at?
Yes! In your WCOnline profile, at the bottom, you can set your display to "Calendar Display." This will change the view to show blank white spaces for open availability under each schedule. You can click in one of these spaces and schedule there.

I received a survey email, is this legit?
Yes! This new system allows for anonymous feedback based on your experience. Please answer these surveys so we can make sure that we are serving you to the best of our ability.

If you have any other questions, please email us at

What AAC tutors do:

  • We help you improve your understanding by discussing mathematical concepts and methods.
  • We provide explanations for material appearing in the text, your class notes, and previously graded tests or assignments.
  • We help you identify key concepts and methods by comparing and contrasting sample problems.
  • We help you develop independent problem solving skills by offering assistance with exercises you attempt to solve.
  • We identify errors in organization and mathematical notation to help you identify and correct errors in your own written solutions.
  • We offer guidance and resources to help you review concepts, methods, and identities prerequisite to your present math course.

What AAC tutors do not do:

  • We do not do your homework or assignments for you.
  • We do not error-check, nor do we correct any assignments to be submitted for a grade.
  • We do not provide comprehensive presentations of material you missed due to class absences, nor do we discuss with you topics for which you have not yet read the applicable sections of the text.
  • If you are unprepared to identify specific concepts or problems with which you are having difficulty, or are unable to provide evidence that you have attempted to work on that material previously, we cannot help you.

What AAC tutors do:

  • We help you improve your understanding by discussing scientific concepts and methods.
  • We provide explanations for material appearing in the text, your class notes, and previously graded tests or assignments.
  • We help you understand your errors on your earlier (graded) assignments.
  • We help you identify key concepts and methods by comparing and contrasting sample problems.
  • We try to identify analogous sample exercises that exercise the skills needed to complete graded assignments. The analogous problems will not, in general, involve a mere replacement of numbers.
  • We help you develop independent problem solving skills by offering assistance with exercises you attempt to solve.
  • We offer guidance and resources to help you review concepts and methods prerequisite to your present science course.
  • We identify skills needed to complete lab assignments. We will answer a limited number of specific and narrow technical questions about the laboratory calculations. The majority of our efforts, here, will be to eliminate one or two stumbling blocks that prevent you from completing the assignment on your own.

What AAC tutors do not do:

  • We do not complete graded homework or other assignments for you. We do not “watch” you do the assignments in our presence, except to establish the nature of your misunderstandings.
  • We do not error-check, nor do we correct any assignments to be submitted for a grade.
  • We do not provide comprehensive presentations of material you missed due to class absences, nor will we discuss with you topics for which you have not yet read the applicable sections of the text.
  • If you are unprepared to identify specific concepts or problems with which you are having difficulty, or are unable to provide evidence that you have attempted to work on that material previously, we cannot help you.
  • We do not provide detailed directions on the analysis of your own laboratory data.